07:08 (UTC+0)
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Command & Conquer: Generals — Zero Hour Rules

Creating a Match and Accepting a Challenge

Each player has the ability to Create their own match or Accept a challenge in matches already created by other players and posted on the Matches page.

When creating a match, you should select a Game, then specify the Platform and click the Continue button. The next stage requires you to indicate the Match Participation Amount, select the desired Game Mode, 1×1, 2×2, 3×3 and more.

Private Match is a private match protected by a password, which the player sets themselves when creating a match. It is mainly used for a planned game with a specific opponent. To do this, when creating a Match, you should select the Private Match parameter and enter the desired password. After that, this password is transferred to the player with whom the match is scheduled.

The Stage Match is in Progress, Completed

  • The match starts the moment the second player accepts the challenge. This is followed by the creation of a match chat, in which the players should agree on the time of the match and a game room, in which the match will take place. You can get to the match chat from the block of this match on the Matches page, also from your profile by going to the My Matches menu or through messages.
  • After the end of the game (in the match chat), one of the players should add the result. If necessary, you can also attach a screen of the match result (this can be done when adding the match score or you can send a link to the recorded broadcast in the match chat). The second player should confirm the result of the game.
  • As soon as the player has confirmed the result of the game, the winner receives a payout and statistics and rating are calculated. The Miomi Game fee amounts to 2 % of the total prize pool.

Tournament Registration

A player can register for a tournament on the tournament page (at the Registration stage). The tournament starts at the time indicated on the tournament card and on the tournament page.

The Stage Tournament is in Progress, Completed

  • The start of the tournament is followed by creation of chats for matches of the 1st tour or several tours (depending on the parameters of the created tournament).  Players should use the tour match chat to agree on the time and location of the match.
  • The match chat shall indicate the dates of the tour. Players should play the tour before the specified date, as well as enter the round result and confirm it. After the end of the match (tour), the players should add the result and confirm it in the match chat. If necessary, you can also attach a screen of the match result (this can be done when adding the match score or you can send a link to the recorded broadcast in the match chat). After completion, the confirmed result is automatically indicated in the standings.
  • The tournament ends when the tours are up. If the players fail to play the match due to the fault of both players, the result of the match will be canceled. If the match is not played due to the fault of one of the players, the guilty player will be awarded a 3:0 forfeit defeat. Winners are paid, statistics are calculated, and players receive tournament rewards.

Cup Registration

A player can register for a cup on the cup page (at the Registration stage). The Cup starts at the time indicated on the Cup card and on the Cup page.

The Stage Cup is in Progress, Completed

  • The start of the Cup is followed by creation of the round match chats. Players should use the round match chat to agree on the time of the match and a game room, in which the match will take place.
  • The match chat shall indicate the dates of the round. Players should play the round before the specified date, as well as enter the round result and confirm it. After the end of the match, the players should add the result and confirm it in the match chat. If necessary, you can also attach a screen of the match result (this can be done when adding the match score or you can send a link to the recorded broadcast in the match chat). After completion, the confirmed result is automatically indicated in the cup results grid.
  • The cup ends when the rounds are up. If the players fail to play the match due to the fault of both players, the result of the match will be canceled. If the match is not played due to the fault of one of the players, the guilty player will be awarded a 3:0 forfeit defeat. The cup ends when the final round has been played. Winners are paid, statistics are calculated, and players receive tournament rewards.

One of the Players Refuses to Confirm the Result of the Match

Failure to confirm a played match is considered a flagrant violation of the website rules. In this case, the Referee of this match issues a yellow card warning to the player who fails to confirm the match. Three yellow cards for the entire time of the game on the platform means an automatic blocking of your account. Yellow cards have no statute of limitations and will not be removed from your account for any merit.

Disconnection During a Match

If the match is suddenly interrupted due to a disconnection and there is no opportunity to finish the match for technical or other reasons, the match should be played out by recreating the match from the time of disconnection, with the match score existing at the time of the disconnection.

The players shall determine the format of the play-out of the match by mutual agreement. If no agreement has been reached, the decision shall be made by the Referee of the match.


The punishment for violation of the rules, which is not provided for by these Regulations, may be determined by the referee at their discretion